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What is BOS?

What is BOS?

Broadband over satellite is when satellite technology delivers high-speed internet to users in remote or rural areas without access to traditional wired broadband capabilities (like optic cables or DSL) to connect to the internet.

How does Broadband over Satellite work?

  • A user’s satellite dish and a geostationary satellite in orbit require two-way communication, known as satellite communication.
  • By sending signals from their dish to the satellite, users transfer data (upstream) to the satellite. The satellites subsequently send these signals to a ground station, which sends the data to the internet. Similarly, information travels downstream from the internet to the satellite and then to the user’s dish.

What are the Components of Broadband over Satellite?

  • User Terminal – A satellite dish is installed at the user’s location, which then receives and spreads the signals to communicate with the satellites.
  • Satellite in Orbit – Geostationary satellites are positioned in orbit to communicate between the user terminals and ground stations.
  • Ground Stations – Ground stations are set up to manage communications on Earth between the satellites and the internet infrastructure.

What are the Main Characteristics of Broadband over Satellite?

  • Coverage – Remote rural areas or areas with challenging terrain where traditional wired infrastructure cannot significantly benefit from satellite communications.
  • Speed and Latency – While satellite internet excels in providing relatively high-speed connections, it may experience slightly higher latency compared to alternative broadband technologies, which could impact specific real-time programmes like gaming or video calling.
  • Weather Conditions – While generally reliable, satellite connections may encounter occasional disruptions during severe weather conditions, such as heavy rain.

What are the Applications and Uses of Broadband over Satellite?

  • In locations like ships, aircraft, and rugged terrains where traditional broadband connections are not viable, broadband over satellite is very useful.
  • During emergency and disaster situations, satellite-based communication networks can be deployed faster when terrestrial infrastructure gets damaged.
  • Since satellite-based communication networks operate without the terrestrial framework, the military and government organisations can easily use them for a secure communication line.

Although satellite internet offers connectivity to places with few options, it has some drawbacks, like latency issues and disruptions from bad weather. The speed and dependability of satellite internet connections are still being improved, though, by developments in satellite technology.